360 Assistance is a B to B to C travel solution provided by Collinson which provides comprehensive medical and travel risk advice and assistance to international and corporate travellers, anywhere in the world and under all circumstances.
Expert analysis
360 Assistance was build by adding new features and offerings to Aria Assistance, a product acquired by Collinson. I conducted a usability audit and expert analysis of the existing system and presented my findings to the stakeholders. We also conducted surveys and used analytics to pinpoint the weaker parts of the site.
Understanding the user
We invited a few existing users of the system to a focus group to understand a typical user’s behaviour, expectations and pain points while using the service. I created user persona and user journey map to document the findings of the qualitative research.
Personas & experience maps
Journey map & prototype
Following the user research, I created the task analysis and journey maps which led to defining the IA and structure of the new system. I then created a click-though prototype in Axure.
Visual design
The final visual designs stage was a iterative process where both the business stakeholders and the end user’s feedback was incorporated and rapid user testing was conducted for key user tasks.